Christians helping in Need
Christians helping in Need
As a Grass-roots project implementation organization Christians in Need has been helping people in need around the world for more than 40 years. We are engaged in disaster relief, help for displaced persons, scholarships for girls, support of schools and orphanages, skill training with a focus on girls. In 2021, we facilitated 45 aid projects in seven countries. Our special care is about interfaith harmony training and peace building. The coexistence of Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Baha`i, Yezidis and others is our central target – to build a common world in interfaith harmony. We believe that religions must be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem. About 80% of all donations go directly into the project work. With all project partners we attach importance to an active interfaith harmony dialogue.
We include members of all faiths in our project work, as far as this is possible in the concrete situation. As a result, we see that the understanding of Christians in the community is growing noticeably and negative propaganda by fundamentalists against Christians is increasingly running into the void.
As Christians we
… respond to the need
… work for the poor
… support interfaith harmony
… help people persecuted for their faith (worldwide about 80% of them are Christians)
… support the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted
… pray for peace
… implement the UN-Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
SDG 1: No Poverty: combatting discrimination which leads to poverty
SDG 2: Zero Hunger: end persecution which leads to expulsion from the own homeland
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being: educational transformation is not possible with an empty stomach.
SDG 4: Quality Education: high level education includes the teaching of tolerance, respect for other believes, worth of each life and cooperation as the only way to successful personal and society development
SDG 5: Gender Equality: strengthen the education of girls and young women in our projects
SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation: water and water sanitation are main goals in our project work
SDG 10: Reduced Inequality: develop more equality for women and minorities, especially in cases of faith
- The focus of our work is in Africa and Asia, where Christians as a minority are threatened in their survival
- We provide immediate emergency aid in cases of concrete persecution and displacement of Christians
- In model projects, we provide examples of best practice for the regions, e.g. for training models for Christian day laborers (with a focus on women’s empowerment) in Pakistan or our orphanage for victims of terror in Nigeria
- Our projects for helping people to help themselves (start-up aid for displaced village communities to resettle, education and training, kick-off financing for small businesses) motivate people to take action for their own future
- With all project partners we attach importance to the active interreligious dialogue for the dismantling of prejudices and emergence of mutual respect, we include neighbors of other faiths in assistance and training models, as far as this is possible.
- By participating in interfaith activities, for example leading in Europe with the “Coalition of Faith Based Organizations” with reference to the UN (, we are committed to the dialogue of religions for peace in the world
Media owner and publisher: Christians in Need
Address: 1010 Vienna, Singerstr. 7/4/2
Telephone: +43 1 712 15 07
DVR number: 06575385
ZVR number: 297355579